Baylor Cru | Cru Women’s Retreat 2025
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Cru Women’s Retreat 2025

March 21st - 23rd

About Women's Retreat

Get ready for a weekend with the ladies at Windy Hill Ranch! March 21st-23rd we are headed out for a weekend of beautiful scenery, good food, even better conversation, and time with the Lord. Baylor friends are welcome; the more ladies the better! The cost is $65 ($55 if you’d like to bring/sleep in a tent for the weekend) and includes your meals and housing as well as all the fun you will have around the ranch. You may also purchase a T-shirt for an additional cost. Please register ASAP so we have numbers for food.

Windy Hill Ranch

Windy Hill Ranch sits on the beautiful East Texas countryside. Dotted with numerous lakes and fields it is an ideal place to get away from campus, have an adventure, and grow in community. We will be staying in a ranch house, but you can also sleep in a tent if you’d like to save some money/be adventurous!


Over the course of the weekend, we’ll have several different large group sessions.  You will hear from God’s Word, and there will be some great space to process what God is doing in your life. Plus, there will be a good chunk of free time to do something fun or just relax in God’s beautiful creation!


Friday (March 21st)
5:00-6:00pm Arrive (Click here for Google Maps pin) **EAT DINNER BEFORE ARRIVING**
Evening Session

Saturday (March 22nd)
Morning Session
Afternoon Fun/Free Time
Evening Fun/Free Time

Sunday (March 23rd)
Morning Session
11:00am Leave

Packing List


  • Sleeping bag/pillow/bedding/tenting supplies
  • Clothes for adventures that you don’t mind getting dirty
  • Check the weather! You might want to bring warm clothes (layers, gloves, beanie) or a rain jacket
  • Shoes/boots that can get wet/muddy
  • Bible/journal/pen
  • Water bottle
  • Cash or Venmo: $55 (tenting), $65 (regular registration)
  • Money to pay your driver (round trip should cost the driver around $15)


  • Flashlight/head lamp
  • Board games
  • Outdoor games
  • Fishing supplies
  • Sports equipment

For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light - Ephesians 5:8