Baylor Cru | Resources
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Find resources to be on mission

New Believer Track

Gospel Clarity

Go through the Knowing God Personally Booklet

Read the Gospel of John (together and on their own)

  • Ask these questions of each chapter:
    • What do I learn about Jesus?
    • What would keep me from trusting and following him?

Read Tim Keller’s Reason for God and discuss it (in its entirety or more practically read the chapters that are relevant to the specific questions and barriers they have)

  • Reason for God by Tim Keller (you can ask staff for a copy if you need one)

Encourage a new believer to join a Gospel Community

Discipleship resources


Church Involvement


Confession & Repentance

Conflict Resolution

Decision Making and Discerning God's Will

Discipling Others

Eternal Perspective

Ethnicity and Culture



  • Resources coming soon!


Global Missions


Gospel Depth & Breadth

  • Resources coming soon!

Growth & Sanctification

  • Read through Tim Keller’s Centrality of the Gospel parts 1 and 2 doing the exercises as you go.
  • Read through The Growth Model and talk about it. This can also be supplemented or replaced with the Compass article below that is based on the same content and aids you with discussion points and questions.
  • Use The Compass – Walk – Growth.

Holidays and Summer Break

Holy Spirit


Idolatry & The Heart

Intimacy with Jesus


  • Resources coming soon!

Obedience & Stewardship


Pride and Humility

Rest & Sabbath

  • Resources coming soon!


Sexual Purity



  • Resources coming soon!

Time Management



Bible study materials

Blue Like Jazz Study

  • The Blue Like Jazz study is designed so that a non-believer can participate in all of the discussions and not feel intimidated. At the same time the ideas are challenging enough to be engaging for even mature believers. It’s a great balance. The study is also designed to ease a group into scripture. The early studies make small reference to scripture while the last 4 studies actually out of the Gospel of John not Blue Like Jazz. The transition from the book to the bible is seamless and makes for an easy introduction to investigating Jesus. In each study I have included a leaders guide, a participants guide, and the readings. Note that the study does not go in the order of the chapters.

Calling and Walking - A Study of Ephesians

Luke - The Road to Jerusalem

What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. - Apostle Paul